Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Working Trip to Kuching 20-23 Nov part II

If you have by any chance going to visit Kuching next year 2009 and want to stay at Crowne Plaza or Holiday Inn, don't be surprise if you don't find any of them listed anywhere.

Well this is due to these hotels are nor longer continuing their contract with InterContinental Hotels Group. Thus they need to be rebranded.

Hence, with effective from 1 Jan 2009, the new names for these famous hotels are:

Crowne Plaza Riverside Kuching is renamed as Riverside Majestic Hotel
Holiday Inn Kuching is renamed as Grand Margherita Hotel

They actually took down the sign while we were still staying there. (22nd Dec)

Another interesting place we visited was the Kek Lapis Dayang Salhah. It is one of the famous & flourishing cottage industry in Kuching. As you can see it still retains the 'kampung' facade and you have to take off your shoes when entering, similar to what we do when we enter our own house.

Once inside, I felt like I was just visiting friends for Hari Raya, as an assortment of Kek Lapis was served on the table meant as testers. As I was quite hungry, an ample amount of delicious Kek Lapis passed through my gullet. hehehe

Overall it was an interesting experience, anyhow some say that Kek Lapis originated from Kuching. It is true? Welcome any comments on this. Well..enjoy the rest of the pictures...
Front view of the Kek Lapis House

Yummy... free kuih...!!!

Kek Lapis products nicely stacked onto shelves. Even carry-baskets were provided similar to your local supermarket.

hmm.. what was that fancy looking cake called?

Some local celebrities immortalised during their visit there. See if you can guess a few?

Definitely not a celebrity!!!


  1. wow, thanks for the tips. was thinking kan kesana maybe Raya 09 or 10. I stayed at crowne plaza back in 01, introduce Muhammad to his grand uncles/aunties and cousins.

    nanti ku check my mom in law about kuih lapis ah. she'll probably know.


  2. Ji, my mom-in-law just got back from Kuching..... and she confirmed, kek lapis asal Kuching heheh
