Finally we are able to bring our daughters (except the youngest.. 2mths old) to the beach yesterday. I have been meaning to bring my kids there earlier but both of them got a flu a few days back. My mom-in-law was also willing to tag along with us and join the fun. The venue was Berakas Beach.
As expected there were a lot of people (especially families type) as it was the last weekend before school term begins. The day was surprisingly not that hot as the sea breeze was quite cool. Later on we found out (on our way back home) that it was because it was going to rain.
While my wife and mom were busy watching out for the kids, I was busy watching them through my camera view-finder. (hehehe.. practicing taking shots with the new cam). Overall I was happy to see that my daughters were having fun.
Oh yes.. this is the first time we brought them to the beach and the first time we allowed them to be 'friendly' with the sand. So some unsurprising things happen when you put children in that situation.
Facts of the day: Naurah was 'eating' sand while Raudhah was busy shampooing her hair in it!
From L to R: Mom-in-law, Raudhah, my loving Wife, Naurah
Naurah never hesitated to run to the waves as my wife steadfastly guarding from the rear
"Masya Allah... I forgot to bring my scuba gear!"
"hmm.. whats this? I wonder what it tastes like.....?"
Taking a break
"Siok eh usulnya"